Отчет о “вечнозеленых” патентах в Украине
В исследовании проанализировано 132 патента на наиболее жизненно важные лекарственные средства в Украине на предмет того, относятся ли они к категории...
Evergreening patents in Ukraine
The research analyzes 132 patents for the most important life-saving medicines in Ukraine on whether they can be considered as...
TRIPS-plus analysis Ukraine
A report on the legal analysis of TRIPS-plus provisions in Ukraine. A look at the legal framework and opportunities for...
Analysis of Ukraine’s single-source drug market
Report on the analysis of the single-source drugs market in Ukraine. A useful tool for treatment activists, and which can...
Анализ закупок АРВ-препаратов в Российской Федерации в 2019 году
Коалиция по готовности к лечению
Analysis: ARV procurement, Russia 2019
ITPC-ru’s 10th year of community-monitoring and analysis in the Russian Federation.
Campaign toolkit – our complete guide
Our toolkit will guide you through all the steps to challenge intellectual property barriers, from the life-cycle of a patent,...
Minimum costs to manufacture new treatments for COVID-19
‘Repurposing’ existing drugs to treat COVID-19 is vital to reducing mortality and controlling the pandemic. Researchers from the University of...
The problem with patents
This joint policy brief outlines how patents, and their effect on the cost of HIV treatment, threatens to undermine the HIV response in middle-income countries.
Access to Hep C treatment among people who inject drugs
A publication produced by Treatment Action Group (TAG) and Médecins du Monde.
Global Survey on Access to and Quality of HIV Treatment and Care
The 2019 survey focused on barriers to quality HIV care and treatment across 14 low- and middle-income countries covering seven...
Activist guide to Hepatitis C diagnostics
Produced by the Treatment Action Group (TAG), the Activist Guide outlines major barriers to accessing testing technologies and services.