Campaign toolkit – our complete guide
Our toolkit will guide you through all the steps to challenge intellectual property barriers, from the life-cycle of a patent,...
Access Granted
A budget advocacy toolkit for improving access to quality and affordable medicines through Global Fund grants.
COVID-19 drugs can be made for $1 a day
Our short film (1m 47 secs) shows how all potential drugs for the treatment of COVID-19 can be made affordably....
Patentability criteria
A research synthesis, produced by Knowledge Portalia.
Activist guide to Hepatitis C diagnostics
Produced by the Treatment Action Group (TAG), the Activist Guide outlines major barriers to accessing testing technologies and services.
WHO List of Essential Medicines
The World Health Organization (WHO) updates its essential list of medicines every two years.
MedsPaL – patent information database
MedsPaL provides information on the patent and licensing status of selected HIV, Hepatitis C, TB and other patented essential medicines...
UN Secretary General’s High Level Panel on access to medicines report
Report: Promoting innovation and access to health technologies.
World Trade Organization – TRIPS Agreement
The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).