News items related to: Press release
Patent Applications for HIV Prevention Drug Opposed in India: Vulnerable Group Seeks to Protect Generic Competition to Lower Prices of HIV Prevention Drug Lenacapavir
New Delhi, 18 September 2024 – The Indian Patent Office is set to hear the objections of Sankalp Rehabilitation Trust...
Ending the Epidemic Could Cost Under $40 (per person, per year) – treatment activists say at AIDS2024
Munich, 23 July 2024 – Despite global efforts to end HIV and AIDS, the epidemic has been persistent. In 2022,...
Activists at AIDS2024 called on ViiV Healthcare to drop their case in Colombia against Compulsory License on Dolutegravir
On the 24th of July, hundreds of treatment advocates attending AIDS2024 in Munich protested against the companies with “Drop The...
The Rejection of the Bedaquiline Patent Opposition in Indonesia Raises the Risk of Difficulty in Accessing Optimal TB Therapy
The Indonesia AIDS Coalition (IAC) and Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ) have filed a patent opposition for the Tuberculosis (TB)...
Patent-free, low-cost vaccines highly protective against severe COVID
A new analysis of 390,459 participants assessing 14 different COVID-19 vaccines has identified no significant difference in efficacy against both symptomatic and severe...
Moving too slowly, and committing too little: Our statement on the G7 and WTO meetings
Last week, World Trade Organization (WTO) members and the G7 both held meetings. Discussions included possible solutions on how to...
Civil society files lawsuit against Thai Department of Intellectual Property as “failure to reject TB patent is unlawful”
Translated from the original press release published in Thai, by The Standard and Prachathai. On 2 February 2021, a civil...
Breakthrough success as reformed patent law enters into force in Ukraine
Ukraine’s reformed patent law provides a framework to prevent unlawful patents and monopolies on essential drugs, which have restricted access...
Morocco: Parliament urged to ensure access to future COVID-19 treatment and vaccines
This week, civil society in Morocco has called for the urgent removal of unnecessary legal barriers, which are “tailor-made for...
Letter to ViiV Healthcare: No more time to waste – increase access to dolutegravir in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Dolutegravir is an essential drug in HIV treatment, recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Despite the drug being approved...
New data: Treat HIV for just four weeks of global pharmaceutical sales
The Make Medicines Affordable campaign is calling for a widespread switch from patented to generic HIV drugs so that at...