News items related to: News
TNP+ is Successfully Opposing Big Pharma’s Hepatitis C Drug Monopoly
This win comes after years of campaigning by the AIDS Access Foundation (AAF) and the Thai Network of People Living...
Lenacapavir Patent Faces Opposition at the Eurasian Patent Office
“If Gilead Science’s patent application regarding Lenacapavir is granted, the patent will represent another significant barrier to the affordable access...
Major Win: First Batch of Dolutegravir Arrives in Colombia Under a Compulsory License
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends dolutegravir as the first- and second-line treatment for all population groups. In Colombia, access...
ITPC-EECA Challenges Patents on core DR-TB Drug Pretomanid, Urging Eurasian Patent Office to Protect Access
According to WHO, 400,000 people developed DR-TB in 2023, yet only 44% (175, 923) of them were treated for it....
Ukrainian Patient Rights Group Opposes a Patent Applications on a Life-Saving HIV Drug
Rilpivirine, commonly known as RPV, is available in multiple formulations, including a daily oral medication, and in fixed-dose combination tablets,...
Civil Society Groups Unite to Monitor the 4th Round of Thailand-EU FTA Negotiation
Grave concerns over expensive medicines, the universal health coverage scheme at risk, unsafe second-hand medical devices, farmers’ increasing debts &...
MMA Partner VNP+ Opposes Patent Application Which Would Limit Access to Long-Acting Cabotegravir
Vietnam’s Network of People Living With HIV (VNP+), a Make Medicines Affordable (MMA) partner, is working to improve access to, and affordability...
Thai HIV Advocacy Group Challenges Gilead’s and Janssen’s Patent Extension Bid, Citing Evergreening Tactics
The Thai Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (TNP+) filed an opposition to a patent application filed by the U.S.-based pharmaceutical giant...
Global South Leaders Condemn Gilead’s Restrictive License on HIV Prevention Breakthrough
Civil society organizations across the Global South are blasting the U.S.-based pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences for its lenacapavir (LEN) voluntary...
Indonesian Advocates Challenge Big Pharma’s Patent of HIV Prevention and Treatment Lenacapavir
Indonesia AIDS Coalition (IAC), a community-based organization advocating on HIV-related issues, filed a post-grant opposition against the secondary (selection) patent...
Patent Applications for HIV Prevention Drug Opposed in India: Vulnerable Group Seeks to Protect Generic Competition to Lower Prices of HIV Prevention Drug Lenacapavir
New Delhi, 18 September 2024 – The Indian Patent Office is set to hear the objections of Sankalp Rehabilitation Trust...
HIV Community-Based Organizations are Fighting Patent Monopolies on Lenacapavir
Despite the world’s efforts, there have been over a million new cases of HIV each year. Lenacapavir (LEN), a long-acting...