17 August 2021

• Coronavirus cases in the US surpass 37 million. Source 

• After France imposed the requirement for a coronavirus health pass to enter restaurants and other venues, the police are investigating 46 cases involving false certificates. A contractor at a vaccination center was caught selling 200 false certificates; two employees at a vaccination center in Bordeaux face forgery charges for selling false certificates, and hackers have gotten into doctor’s computer systems to create false passes. The punishment for using a forged pass is up to three years in prison and a 45,000 euro ($53,000) fine. Source

• The New York Times reports that Delta may be causing more breakthrough infections among fully vaccinated people than previously thought, based on preliminary data from seven states (California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Oregon, Utah, Vermont and Virginia). In six of these states, breakthrough infections among fully vaccinated people made up one in five new cases. The percentage of hospitalizations and deaths among vaccinated people, although quite low, were higher than anticipated among vaccinated people, which is partially explained by a larger proportion of vaccinated people. In six states, breakthrough infections made up 18 to 24 percent of new cases. Overall, 12 percent to 24 percent of COVID hospitalizations occurred among fully vaccinated people, who were likely to be over age 65 or immunocompromised; the number of deaths among vaccinated people remains small (although higher than the CDC’s estimate of 0.5 percent). Source

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