31 January 2021

• In the US, coronavirus cases surpass 26 million. Source
• The US has given 29.5 million doses of coronavirus vaccine.
• Maryland reports a case of the B1.351 coronavirus variant in a person with no recent travel, suggesting community transmission. Source
• EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announces that AstraZeneca has agreed to expand its production capacity and provide an additional nine million doses of its coronavirus vaccine to the EU – although it is delivering 40 million fewer doses than expected Q1 of 2021.
Pfizer/BioNTech announced that they will provide an additional 75 million vaccine doses to the EU in Q2 of 2021, as scheduled, now that they have upgraded their production plant in Belgium. Source
• Germany threatens legal action over delays in coronavirus vaccine deliveries.
• In Brazil, where coronavirus cases have almost reached 10 million, the COVAX initiative will deliver 10 to 14 million doses of the AstraZeneca cororonavirus vaccine; once Anvisa has approved the vaccine, the country’s Fiocruz institute will produce it locally. Source

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