Our partners work to increase access to essential medicines.
See where we work for country-specific information.
International Treatment Preparedness Coalition
The International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC) is a global activist organization that leads the Make Medicines Affordable partnership.
ITPC is a global movement of people living with HIV, Hepatitis C and TB, treatment activists and their supporters. The coalition is dedicated to the goal that all people have access to effective, affordable and sustainable treatment.
100% LIFE
100% Life is the largest patient-led organization in Ukraine, its mission is to “Fight for Life”.
The Network works with patients and for patients, including representing the interests of people living with HIV in 25 regions of Ukraine. The Network has been operating since 2001, and annually provides services to more than 190,000 patients, 90,000 of whom are people living with HIV.
AIDS Access Foundation
The AIDS Access Foundation has been at the forefront of the access to treatment movement in Thailand, networking nationally and regionally to ensure effective and affordable treatment for all.
The civil society movement has been responsible for many successes in securing access to medicines. AIDS Access works closely with the Thai government and the community, on policy, free trade agreements, compulsory license issuance, and patent litigation.
Associação Brasileira Interdisciplinar de AIDS (ABIA)
The Working Group on Intellectual Property (GTPI), coordinated by ABIA, is formed of 19 civil society organizations. Its mission is to protect Brazil’s public health system, challenging abusive patents and increasing access to medicines.
Although focused primarily in Brazil, ABIA is recognized globally as a leading HIV and human rights NGO.
AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA)
ARASA is a regional partnership of civil society organisations working in 18 countries in southern and east Africa.
The partnership works to promote respect for, and the protection of, the rights to bodily autonomy and integrity for all in order to reduce inequality, especially gender inequality and promote health, dignity and well-being in southern and east Africa.
Asia-Pacific Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (APN+)
APN+ is the regional network of people living with HIV in the Asia Pacific region, committed to non-discrimination and equity.
Since 1994, its network of country members has worked on access to medicines through capacity building, community mobilization and advocacy.
Fundación Grupo Efecto Positivo (FGEP)
FGEP works to improve the quality of life of people living with HIV in Argentina.
The civil society organization increases access to HIV and Hepatitis C treatment by removing intellectual property barriers, and empowers people to exercise their rights and engage in decision-making spaces.
ITPC in Eastern Europe & Central Asia (ITPCru) is a regional network of ITPC, and is focused on HIV treatment issues in the region.
ITPCru builds capacity of national civil society organizations to challenge intellectual property law and unjustified patents, to increase access to medicines. The organization’s work is guided by an understanding that access to HIV treatment is a human right.
As a partner of the Make Medicines Affordable campaign, ITPC LACTA works on access to treatment in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras.
Its network of treatment activists works toward universal access to HIV treatment, through advocacy and health education, to improve the quality of life people living with HIV.
ITPC in the Middle East and North Africa (ITPC MENA) is an independently registered, non-governmental organization based in Morocco and is part of the ITPC family.
ITPC MENA builds capacity of national civil society organizations to challenge intellectual property law and unjustified patents, and to increase access to medicines. The organization’s work is guided by an understanding that access to HIV treatment is a human right.
Indonesia AIDS Coalition
The Indonesia AIDS Coalition is a community-based organization working to increase transparency, accountability and community participation in HIV programs. Its main goal is to strive for improvement of the national HIV response program.
It mobilizes the community to campaign and advocate for the rights of people living with HIV.
Kenya Legal & Ethical Issues Network on HIV and AIDS (KELIN)
KELIN was established in 1994 and registered as an NGO in 2001. While initially conceived to protect and promote HIV-related human rights, its scope has expanded to also include: sexual and reproductive health and rights, key populations, health and governance, and women, land and property rights.
KELIN advocates for a holistic and rights-based system of service delivery in health and for the full enjoyment of the right to health by all.
Zimbabwe National Network of People Living with HIV (ZNNP+)
ZNNP+ is the national umbrella body that represents and coordinates the interests and activities of individuals, support groups, community-based organizations and networks of people living with HIV throughout Zimbabwe.