In times of peace and in times of war: 100% LIFE outstanding work in Ukraine
After two years of the worst pandemic in recent history, 2022 marked an extra tragic event in the history of...
Ukraine: 100% LIFE opposes patent on TB drug for children
Our campaign partner in Ukraine, 100% LIFE, has submitted the first patent opposition on bedaquiline in the Eastern Europe and Central...
100% LIFE
100% Life is the largest patient-led organization in Ukraine, its mission is to “Fight for Life”. The Network works with...
100% LIFE – 2018 Annual Report
Our partner, 100% LIFE, is the largest patient organization in Ukraine. 100% LIFE employs a range of strategies in order...
Ukraine fights for affordable access to a life-saving COVID-19 treatment
100% Life, MMA’s partner in Ukraine, has opposed a patent on tocilizumab, a monoclonal antibody that blocks interleukin-6, an inflammatory...
In photos: 20 years of fighting for life in Ukraine
100% LIFE’s is the MMA campaign partner in Ukraine. 2021 marks the organization’s 20th anniversary and 30 years of Ukraine’s...
Fight for Life! 20 years of patient-led activism and success in Ukraine
Our partner, 100% LIFE, has been fighting for the rights of people living with HIV in Ukraine for 20 years....
AIDS 2020 exhibition: Love, life and riots
We’re exhibiting at #AIDS2020Virtual, the world’s largest virtual AIDS conference. Our photo exhibition Love, Life and Riots will be on...
Supporting more people to challenge injustices: A day in the life of a treatment activist
What got you interested in treatment activism to start with? Someone in my family was struggling to access life-saving medicines....
GSIPA2M – Day 1
Welcome to the first day of 2022 GSIPA2M – The Pandemic Edition: Reclaiming Access Sergiy Kondratyuk, ITPC Global, Ukraine Sergiy...
Georgia’s civil society opposes patents for HIV medicines
Network TBPeople, MMA’s partner in Georgia, has made progress in the fight against patent monopolies for life-saving drugs. Image ©...
Crossing the frontline to reach prisoners with HIV treatment in Russian-occupied Ukraine
In the seven years since Russia invaded Valeria’s home city, she lost her home, her husband, and her idea of...